Wednesday will be virtual day due to vaccine event

Dear Pattonville families,

We have been given the opportunity to partner with the Urban League and the National Guard to conduct a mass vaccination event for our staff on Wednesday, March 17. As a result, we will need to make Wednesday, March 17, an independent, at-home learning day for students who attend classes both in-person and via the Villemade Virtual Academy (all grade levels). There will be no in-person classes on Wednesday. Students should log into their Canvas or Seesaw accounts to view instructions from their teachers and to find out when their teachers are available for support. As an awareness for family schedules, Wednesday’s virtual learning day will not need to be made up in the future. Parent-teacher conferences will still be held on Wednesday at all levels.

We apologize for any inconvenience this schedule change may cause families and appreciate your patience and understanding. We will be administering the Johnson and Johnson vaccine, which is a one-dose vaccine, and will not require a follow-up vaccination event. We are thankful for being able to provide this opportunity for our staff members as another layer to the health and safety precautions we have in place for our schools.


Tim Pecoraro, Ed.D.

Superintendent of Schools

Pattonville Heights Middle School

195 Fee Fee Road
Maryland Heights, MO 63043
(314) 213-8033

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